Friday, June 23, 2006


Our leaving party is
booked for the 30th June,
and we are preparing
ourselves for more tears
or maybe that will be
'cheers' in some cases!

Rheanne is going to do a
couple of her dances,
so hopefully that will
cheer everyone up and
put a smile on their faces.

Here she is in her new cozy.


Well, the house has SOLD. Thats another stressful period ended, don't know if I can take much more of this! We have to be out by the 12th of July, so not long to go now. We are still planning on leaving mid August but it all depends on a few things. Will be staying with my mum & dad before we go, so they will probably be glad to see the back of us after having an extra 4-bodies in their 2-bedroom flat!